To access network shares from home, you will need to add links to your My files area of your DEC Portal home page. To do this, you need to:

  1. Login to the DEC Portal.
  2. If you haven’t already added the My files content block to your home page, click on the plus sign (+) in the Add content to your page box down the bottom of your Portal home page.

  1. Click on the plus sign (+) in the My files box and it will now appear on your Portal home page. You can drag it around to suit.

  1. Click on the greyed out wheel in the top right of the My files block on your Portal home page.

  1. Click on the spanner icon which allows you to edit your My files links.

  1. Click on Add link (or hover your mouse over the area to the right of an existing link and then click on Edit)

  1. Type in a name for your link e.g. Learning Materials Lang D. Type in the path to the network share e.g.\\\Faculty\Teacher\02_LearningMaterials\Languages-D. Click Save. Repeat this process for other Network Shares you have and need access to. When you have finished adding links, click Close in the top right of the My files block.

  1. The network shares you will need are listed below. Make sure you copy and paste these paths exactly or they will not work:

Faculty Folders

  • \\\Faculty\Teacher\01_Faculties\Languages-A
  • \\\Faculty\Teacher\01_Faculties\Languages-B
  • \\\Faculty\Teacher\01_Faculties\Languages-C
  • \\\Faculty\Teacher\01_Faculties\Languages-D
  • \\\Faculty\Teacher\01_Faculties\Languages-F
  • \\\Faculty\Teacher\01_Faculties\Languages-G
  • \\\Faculty\Teacher\01_Faculties\ESL

Learning Materials Folders

  • \\\Faculty\Teacher\02_LearningMaterials\Languages-A
  • \\\Faculty\Teacher\02_LearningMaterials\Languages-B
  • \\\Faculty\Teacher\02_LearningMaterials\Languages-C
  • \\\Faculty\Teacher\02_LearningMaterials\Languages-D
  • \\\Faculty\Teacher\02_LearningMaterials\Languages-F
  • \\\Faculty\Teacher\02_LearningMaterials\Languages-G
  • \\\Faculty\Teacher\02_LearningMaterials\ESL

Staff Share Folder

  • \\\Faculty\Teacher\03_StaffShare

Executive Folder (for Executive members ONLY)

  • \\\Faculty\Executive

Enrolments Folder (for HT Enrolments ONLY)

  • \\\Faculty\Teacher\04_Enrolments

Principal Folder (for Principal ONLY)

  • \\\Faculty\Principal


  1. To access the links in the My files block you have just setup from home, login to the Portal and from your home page, simply click on one of your links, and it will open for you in a new window and ask you to login. Use your normal portal username and password for this but add  @detnsw after your username (no spaces). I have found that these links work better in Chrome as with everything else.